Journals Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal http://www.bu.edu/cpr/prj Videos “Voices of Resiliency.” Manitoba Schizophrenia Society. Order at www.mss.mb.ca “Psychosis, Early Intervention and Recovery.” British Columbia Schizophrenia Society, Victoria Chapter. Order at www.bcssvictoria.ca Mental Illness Education Project has numerous excellent videos on recovery. Order at http://www.miepvideos.org/shop Books Recovery in Mental Illness by Ruth O. Ralph and Patrick W. Corrigan. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2005. The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia by Kim T. Mueser and Susan Gingerich. Guilford, 2006. Living Outside Mental Illness: Qualitative Studies of Recovery in Schizophrenia by Larry Davidson. New York: New York University, 2005. Recovery from Severe Mental Illnesses: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice edited by L.Davidson, C. Harding, and L. Spaniol. Boston: Boston University. Vol I, 2005; vol II, 2006. Articles & Chapters “Scientific and Consumer Models of Recovery” by A. Bellack. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32(3) 2006, pp. 432–442. “What happened to civil rights?” by L. Davidson. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 30(1), 2006, pp. 11–14 . “Recovery in serious mental illness: A new wine or just a new bottle?” by L. Davidson, M. O’Connell, J. Tondora, M.R. Staeheli, and A.C. Evans. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36(5), 2005, pp. 480–487. “The top ten concerns about recovery encountered in mental health system transformation,” by L. Davidson, M.J. O’Connell, J. Tondora, T. Styron, and K. Kangas. Psychiatric Services, 57(5) 2006, pp. 640–645. “‘Simply to be let in’: Inclusion as a basis for recovery from mental illness,” by L. Davidson, D.A. Stayner, C. Nickou, T.H. Stryon, M. Rowe, and M.J. Chinman. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 2006, 24: 375–388. “Recovery guides: An emerging model of community-based care for adults with psychiatric disabilities,” by L. Davidson, J. Tondora, M. Staeheli, M. O’Connell, J. Frey, and M.J. Chinman. In Community Based Clinical Practice, ed. A. Lightburn and P. Sessions (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 476–501. “Implementing recovery oriented evidence based programs: identifying the critical dimensions,” by M. Farkas, C. Gagne, W. Anthony, and J. Chamberlin. Community Mental Health Journal, 41(2), 2006, pp. 141–158. “Integrating Evidence-Based Practices and the Recovery Model,” by F.J. Frese, J. Stanley, K. Kress, and S. Vogel-Scibilia. Psychiatric Services, 52, Nov. 2001, pp. 1462–1468. “The Vermont longitudinal study of persons with severe mental illness, II: Long-term outcome of subjects who retrospectively met DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia,” by C.M. Harding, G.W. Brooks, T. Ashikaga, J.S. Strauss, and A. Breier. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144, 1987, pp. 727–735. “What is recovery? A conceptual model and explication,” by N. Jacobson and D. Greenly. Psychiatric Services, 52, 2001, pp. 482–485. “The process of recovery from schizophrenia,” by L. Spaniol, N.J. Wewiorski, C. Gagne, and W.A. Anthony. International Review of Psychiatry, 14, 2002, pp. 327–336.