
This program is the result of a collaboration between the Schizophrenia Society of Canada and Janssen Inc. and has been guided by an advisory committee comprising consumers, family members, and service providers. We would like to thank the members of the advisory committee, as well as those who participated in the video. This project would not have been possible without the support of our funder, Janssen Inc.

Special thanks to:
Amy Butcher (Manitoba), Dr. Sonia Chehil (Nova Scotia), Martine Elias (Ontario), Wendy Gerhart (Ontario), Mia Hill (Saskatchewan), Corey Maruca (British Columbia), Sherri Matsumoto (Manitoba), Isabelle-Anne Mimeault (Ontario), Ian Pollett (Newfoundland), Gerald Samson, Jean Samson (Ontario), Maritza Tello (Saskatchewan), Deborah Windell (Ontario).

A special thank you to Bonnie Pape, whose wisdom and expertise guided the development of the project’s resources.

To all of you, we express our sincere appreciation and gratitude.

Pamela Forsythe, MN, FRCPC
President, member of the advisory committee

Chris Summerville, D. Min., CPRP
Chief Executive Officer, member of the advisory committee

Catherine Willinsky, MHSc.
Manager, National Programs and Projects, member of the advisory committee